Sunday, October 20, 2013

Earthquake Victims: HOW TO HELP


Not only Bohol or the entire Philippines, but the whole world was shocked and rocked by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck BOHOL in the morning of October 15, 2013, Tuesday, a day all Boholanos, and people on Bohol  at the moment will never forget. The Philippines deadliest earthquake in 23 years according to news.

Damages range from minor to fatal. From little cracks to structures totally destroyed. Century old  Churches crumpled and national bridges collapsed causing the hyphened struggle for water, food, supplies and SHELTER. Some people in Tagbilaran city are now sleeping inside their houses or boarding house but people in towns (including me) are sleeping outside their houses because of fear that our homes might collapse like other houses in Tubigon, Loon, Calape, Clarin, Sagbayan, Maribojoc and many more. Because of this, people are getting sick and those already sick are getting worse. We need food supplements to prevent further sickness, and medicine aside from the usual supplies too.

Currently the government is facilitating the distribution of relief goods and as well as some private organizations.  But we all know, honestly, though it helped a lot, is still is NOT ENOUGH. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

For our organization, REAL STEEL VANGUARDZ we will help SPECIFIC people. But we cannot do much without your help. We need your support. They need your assistance.

To make sure our help did what it was intended to do, we will post the name of the earthquake victim, their current situation, address (how to get there) and how we can help . Make sure to keep updated. Your help will go to a specific person and you can contact them personally and they will thank you personally.


1. email me and cc to  and Write in the subject Earthquake Victims: How to help. In the body of the email, kindly indicate how you were able to get to this information.
2. Indicate the complete name of the person you want to help. We will give you their contact number. So if you want to call them personally, you can.
3. Indicate what will you give. We accept donations of cash or in kind. 
           a. In kind donations must fit the needs of the family you want to help out. Write specifically what you will give and how many pieces. For donors in Bohol, you can drop it in our office, UNO office, in front of BISU. Indicate your name, and the name of the family it is intended to. For donors outside Bohol, or abroad, kindly send it to LBC. Address it to LBC tagbilaran branch. c/o Joannie Mary Cabillo or Remedios Castro or Jayson Caguin
           b. Cash Donations. Write how much and in what currency. For donors in Bohol or in the Philippines, we can schedule a meet in our office and give it to us personally. Or you can send it to Palawan pawnshop to Joannie Mary Cabillo, or Remedios Castro Sepe or Jayson Caguin. For donors abroad send it to Western Union c/o Joannie Mary Cabillo or Remedios Castro or Jayson Caguin.

We will email and confirm you as soon as we received your donations. And give you feedback, the schedule for the distribution of your  donations. 

For cash donations, WE WELCOME ANY AMOUNT. 
For inquiries text us at 
092275412290 (Joannie Mary Cabillo)
09202405076 (Jayson EquipilagCaguin)
09208218573 (Remy Castro)

articles on earthquake:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Caves, Hills, Beach and Basketball Court!!!

                                          Okay, it was exhausting but it was...THE BEST!!!

Real Steel Vanguardz, a group of young professionals, students and people from all walks of life, and even  from all over the world gathered, for the FIRST time for the OUTDOOR BONDING.

Yes we went to Chocolate Hills. It was hot and the steps were exhausting but no matter how many times i've been there, the view is still intriguingly majestic. Perfectly shaped hills and lots of them. But it was the BEST since the TEAM was at their Funniest self!!! And even took their shirt of!!! :) :) :)

We also went to Danao, forced Dai su ke to take the Plunge, the deepest free fall experience in the entire world, while we stood back and watched. But he was glad he took the PLUNGE of course! Their is no the PLUNGE in Japan...

Below is the Photo when we went to Hinagdanan cave to swim and jump and  dive from a 15 feet high cliff! Only the boys did it...:)

We never ran out of energy!!! The following day was Basketball and the team went and we played..actually everybody played and we won! Three wins, 1 lose!!! Hooo yah!!!

And oh yeah!!! here is the picture of them boys shirt off! Lucky Hills for having Hottest MODELS in the WORLD!!!

For more photos click ME.

Hooo Yah!!!

How to join? Contact us at 09275412290. Text only and indicate name and where you seen my number or else you will not be attend to. Thank YOU!